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Empowering Young Teacher Growth - Documentation of 2024 Summer Youth Teacher Training


Young teachers are the future and hope of the school and the key to the sustainable development of the school。With the advancement of the new college entrance examination reform, new requirements are also put forward for young teachers。In order to meet the needs of the new college entrance examination reform, and to further strengthen the construction of the school's teaching staff and promote the professional development of young teachers, Jinan Shenquan Foreign Language School held a training activity with the theme of "Empowering Young teachers to grow" on the eve of the new semester, and sought to point out the direction for the development of young teachers。

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On the evening of August 7, our school carried out the launching ceremony of the theme training activity of "Empowering Young Teachers to Grow", and some leaders of the school committee attended the launching ceremony。At the beginning of the activity, Vice President Zhang Xinwei led all the teachers to read the teacher's oath, and in the vow of all the teachers, the summer training for young teachers was officially launched。

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The opening ceremony was divided into two parts. In the first part, Vice President Zhang Xinwei read out the training arrangements for young teachers. All the young teachers were enthusiastic, carefully recorded, and started the charging journey of teacher growth with longing。

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Work hard and strive for a long time。In the second part, President Wang Yuemou gave a lecture on the theme of "How to build a good class"。President Wang explained to the teachers from four aspects: what kind of lesson is a good lesson, how to build a good lesson, the problems that are easy to appear in the classroom teaching of new teachers, and the evaluation criteria of a good lesson。The young teachers listened carefully and remembered carefully。

On the morning of August 8, our school carried out the theme training of "How to prepare a guide plan"。Our school has always adhered to the principle of student-oriented classroom teaching, insisting on students' learning as the main line, so being able to independently make excellent guidance plans is a compulsory course for every teacher。Vice President Zhang Xinwei explained how to prepare the guide plan from three aspects: understanding the guide plan, designing the guide plan and using the guide plan。The young teachers have written tirelessly to record every key point, and their serious attitude shows respect for knowledge and expectations for the future。

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Bamboo has a thousand sections, from the young bamboo shoots;The sea swallows and swallows and accumulates in small streams。The young teachers participated in the training with full enthusiasm, practical style and serious attitude, listened to the wonderful teachings of experts and excellent teachers, and grasped the advanced education and teaching concepts, which can be said to be full of harvest。Teachers will take this training as a new starting point, more in-depth research, the implementation of the "beauty of its own beauty, do the best of their own" core education concept, accumulate experience, sublimate practice, precipitating wisdom, absorb rich professional knowledge of education, master scientific and effective teaching methods, for the long-term development of the school to provide a strong guarantee。
