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Deep Springs College! Welcome to Deep Springs New students!


Welcome to a wonderful new semester

Deep Springs welcomes new students

The back-to-school season has arrived in September

New students also come to campus from all over the place

The teachers are ready

Welcome each new student

Let everyone better complete the work of reporting the beginning of school

Start the new semester of life ~

Deep Springs welcomes new students

 Deep Springs welcomes new students

School environment

 Deep Springs welcomes new students

Dormitory and Restaurant

Deep Springs welcomes new students

 Enrollment of students

Deep Springs welcomes new students

The new students have started to register, and to accept this view,

In the rest of campus life,

Your youth will fill the whole campus。

加油! 在新的学习生活里继续努力!

As long as you keep moving forward and working hard,

With indomitable perseverance and hard-working spirit,

We are sure to succeed!Work hard!

You will have your wonderful!

Welcome, new students!
